Gratitude Girls
930pm EST, 830pm CST, 730pm MST, 630pm PST
Special guest: Morry Zelcovitch
As a child Morry had many problems ranging from hearing thousands of voices in his head to severe depression. He also had a very big mouth, was always getting into trouble and was unbelievably accident prone.
Something inside him made him start looking into the brainwave entrainment field when he began to observe that sometimes, time would seem to move faster and more pleasantly than other times. He eventually made the connection that when time seemed to move quicker the sounds, he was hearing were more rhythmic in nature. And when time seemed to painfully stand still, the surrounding sounds were far more disjointed.
After many years of using other people’s products, with some limited success, he was determined to figure out why these recordings seemed to work only in a minor way, when all of the research he read suggested the effects should be more dominant than what he was experiencing.
He decided that the best route to understanding was learning at the feet of an expert in the field. So he contacted the world’s foremost expert in the field of brainwave entrainment and discovered some invaluable secrets that he could not get anywhere else.
Now he has conquered those extra voices in his head and severe depression, and his mission in life is to help others improve the quality of their lives without the use of dangerous and habit-forming drugs.
social media
The World’s First And Only Brainwave Entrainment Engineer
Skype – morryzelco
Phone – Canada – 1-416-876-7939
Phone U.S.A – 1-929-263-2108
(10am-10pm Eastern Standard Time)
Please tune in!
(always recorded, come back later to listen in if you can’t make it live)
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Laurie Delk Radecki and Kathryn Asaro
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