Gratitude Girls coaching & training 12-26-22 – 5 tips to start the New year strong. Follow, like and subscribe to get more FREE coaching every single week! See for other coaching opportunities or to hire Gratitude Girls for speaking engagements. Find us and follow on all social at @LaurieDelk @KathrynAsaro @GratitudeGirls and on your favorite channel for podcasts
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Goals vs Resolutions
Gratitude Girls coaching & training 12-19-22 Goals vs Resolutions – do you know the difference? Which is better? Tune in to find out more – Subscribe and follow us on all social for more FREE training and coaching every week! @GratitudeGirls @LaurieDelk @KathrynAsaro See our paid coaching options or have us speak to your group or event
Gratitude Girls Training Sept 2018 – The benefits of recharging your soul
Gratitude Girls Training Sept 2018 – The benefits of recharging your soul
Henry Hernandez
Tue Sept 25 2018
Gratitude Girls
930pm EST, 830pm CST, 730pm MST, 630pm PST
Special guest: Henry Hernandez
Henry Hernandez received his diploma at Fanshawe College in Health & Fitness Promotion. He is a Certified Personal Trainer Specialist and has worked as personal trainer since 2013. His passion is helping people with the behaviour change aspect in their health and lifestyle habits. Henry train out of a boutique style private training studio near Vaughn. Henry also offers online training.
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Joshua Bonnell
Tue Aug 28 2018
930pm EST, 830pm CST, 730pm MST, 630pm PST
Special guest: Joshua Bonnell
Joshua Bonnell was a 14 year old start up entrepreneur in the internet marketing space. He found large success through his first chain of satirical news websites that generated tens of millions of pageviews which lead him to his next venture- a digital marketing agency. He continues to run his digital marketing agency to this date along side a couple of his side businesses. He is also a plant-based advocate and life long learner.
You can reach out to him via email, cell or check out his company website.
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Laurie Lantrip Delk and Kathryn RaRa Asaro Mayers
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Gloria Pierre
Tue April 24 2018
Gratitude Girls
930pm EST, 830pm CST, 730pm MST, 630pm PST
Special guest: Gloria Pierre
Gloria Pierre started her company, Clearly Speaking, in 2000 after a workplace incident revealed she was inept at handling situations assertively. Through research and interviews, she discovered communication is the one skill everyone uses regardless of their status, education or experience and that your success hinges on how well you are able to communicate.
As a result, she developed interactive programs to empower clients to command attention and respect by expressing themselves more clearly, more confidently and more concisely. Her Signature Program, I Design My Future, is being offered in Toronto, at a Wiarton retreat and at a Costa Rica Retreat. See more information at
Gloria has been training and coaching speakers, presenters, executives, entrepreneurs and native and non-native English speakers to communicate their ideas effectively and respectfully. She has coached people who presented at the White House in Washington, spoke at Air Canada Centre and presented at the UN.
She has spoken at conferences in the Canada, US, The West Indies and South America and at events in Canada. She has three signature talks – Drop Your Bucket Right Where You Are, No Way Out For Adwa and Man Without Smiling Face Should Not Open Shop.
She wrote six books, (K)New Words, ABC’s Of Networking, ABC For Speakers & Presenters, ABC For The Workplace, An English Guide to Pronunciation and Mispronounced & Misunderstood. She has appeared on Breakfast Television, Global TV, Omni TV and New Canadians TV and was profiled in Metro newspaper, radio, The Star Business Club and quoted in Cosmopolitan Magazine.
Gloria is doing what she is passionate about and intends to change your awareness of communication as a personal marketing tool.
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Laurie Lantrip Delk and Kathryn RaRa Asaro Mayers
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Roselyn Kelada-Sedra
Tue March 27 2018
930pm EST, 830pm CST, 730pm MST, 630pm PST
Special guest: Roselyn Kelada-Sedra
Roselyn Kelada-Sedra is an actor, writer, and she is the creator / executive producer of Fail Better. Roselyn balances acting and writing with practising law at Sabsay Lawyers. So, the premise of Fail Better is ripped straight from her life. The themes are why she’s passionate about telling this story – to reveal that feeling, the terror of “what if I fail at everything”? To explore that fear in the middle of misogynist and racist professional environments is the driving force behind the creation of Fail Better.
Roselyn began her actor training in Shakespearean theatre at RADA, and she apprenticed for 3 years as a theatre maker at b current. Now, she studies acting at LS & Co studios, to become the most truthful artist she can.
Roselyn’s writing training comes from Humber College and from writing articles and editing newspapers, magazines and web outlets. Roselyn’s plays and devised work have been produced at various Toronto theatres. Her writing can be seen on TO Monologue Slam. Check out for more, & follow on Facebook to hear her updates & musings about artist life.
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Gratitude Girls fans and followers! Here’s the trailer for Fail Better:
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Laurie Lantrip Delk and Kathryn RaRa Asaro Mayers
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Charlene Norman
Tue Feb 27 2018
930pm EST, 830pm CST, 730pm MST, 630pm PST
Special guest: Charlene Norman
Charlene Norman is the Chief Cheerleader at She is a business and leadership coach who works with entrepreneurs who find themselves overwhelmed by feelings of where to go, what to do and how to make more money. Having led 60 acquisitions, 10 dispositions, 5 culture changes, more than 20 improvements and taken one company through bankruptcy, in addition to making many many presidents and business owners millionaires beyond their wildest dreams, Charlene can be described as a classic Type A over achiever who really has a good grasp on most things business.
However a life changing health scare and then a reboot of her family made her rethink her priorities.
In three years, she has pushed her health back to 95% of what it used to be in what her doctors call a medical miracle. She has published one book, almost finished a second, started two networking groups, is in the process of establishing a charitable foundation, relaunched her business in a new city 1/10th the size of her old one, established a second business with a partner and become one of the main go-to persons in her new neighbourhood. Join us February 27th and learn how a little bit of kindness sprinkled liberally really does make the world run better.
Contact Charlene at
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Laurie Lantrip Delk and Kathryn RaRa Asaro Mayers
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Gratitude Girls Training Jan 2018 Incentives
Gratitude Girls Training for Send Out Cards – Tips and Incentives, Events and Promotions
Pat Snow