Private Gratitude Girls Coaching and Training
Once a week you will receive weekly group coaching in our Facebook group.
Gratitude is healing and nurturing for the soul. Building relationships both personally and professionally enriches your life, which turns into attract more and better clients and customers, which also turns into more financial success for you.
Studies show that grateful people have:
- Improved physical health
- Less stress
- Closer friendships
- More empathy toward others
- Better sleep
- Higher self-esteem
- Stronger resilience
So, how do you get more grateful?
Well, for one, making it a point to write down what you’re grateful for EVERY day.
We help you do that! We help you to stay accountable to the most important person in your life, YOU!!!!
The BEST thing you can do for yourself is to commit yourself to being accountable to building your gratitude, mindset and communication.
Attracting Gratitude is a daily occurrence once we master the art of Confidence.
There is a very simple way to achieve the behaviour of being grateful. Be accountable then find our tribe and love them.
We will prepare our Gratitude members to receive Gratitude with open arms.
We will journal our gratitude thoughts and actions in order to have a timeline of our process.
Gratitude is a powerful antidote to social comparison.
- Connect
- Shift your focus
- Reframe the negative
- Express appreciation
- Recognize progress
Align your Gratitude with your Attitude and experience a feeling of accomplishment.
Raise self-awareness and feel energized.
Deep thoughts and daily mindset exercises that you can experience anywhere any time of day or night.
Complete your cycle of attracting the positive by implementing Gratitude strategies with the Gratitude Girls and our Gratitude Mindset journaling.
Please listen and watch this powerful message about how gratitude changes things in our lives.
- over 80 recorded lessons, plus
- live lessons every Monday night (also recorded if you cannot be on live),
- an invitation to our private dining room (where every Monday night after our call, we invite our private coaching clients into our private zoom room for small group coaching live, on top of
- our coaching you receive in our private facebook group
- A 30 min private one on one coaching with Kathryn & Laurie (valued at $297.00!)
$97 a month -price never increases unless you cancel and want to return later.
$197.00/mo / Limited time offer $97/ mo
Annual payment $997/year (receive 2 months free!)
Guarantee –
If after 3 months of watching all videos, engaging in the group and on the private coaching calls, you do not feel that you have received value, we will refund your investment.

Try us on for size! 15 minutes private coaching for $97, (available to first time coaching clients only).
Give us 3 choices on your schedule (and what time zone), that you would like, and after receiving your investment for personal coaching time, we will get back with you, for which option is best for us, or suggestions for a time.
One on One private coaching with Laurie and Kathryn $497/hr