Gratitude Girls
930pm EST, 830pm CST, 730pm MST, 630pm PST
Special guest: Michele Maher
Michele Maher is a wife, mother of two, and a cat lover. She is passionate about empowering women to step out of the shadows and into the spotlight and share their own unique brilliance with the world. Michele feels that women have been told for far too long what they should wear, what they should look like, what they should (or should not) say and what they should do, and who they should be, and it is time for women to step out of the shadows and embrace their own sensuality, femininity, and to truly harness the power to become that inspiration, that voice to empower other women! She does this through the design and creation of One of A Kind and Limited Edition Jewellery pieces with semi precious stones infused with Reiki energy, pieces that really speak to the person’s personality, capture their power and purpose in a statement piece that shows the world who they truly are, what she calls “Jewellery So Powerful, It Speaks Before You Do”.
When COVID hit, Michele was inspired to go beyond her creative business and step further into leadership and self development and reach out to existing connections and build new ones to educate and brainstorm on how to Pivot your business while keeping a Positive mindset, and as such the “Pivot with Positivity” interview series was born, with over 100 interviews to date and many more to come!
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Michele Maher designs
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(always recorded, come back later to listen in if you can’t make it live)
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Laurie Delk Radecki and Kathryn Asaro
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