Tue Nov 26, 2019
930pm EST, 830pm CST, 730pm MST, 630pm PST
Special guest: Shoshana Chaim
Shoshana Chaim is a Canadian Wellness Expert and with a special interest in Redox Signalling Technology and plant-based nutrition. She is an executive independently marketing ASEA, a breakthrough technology that is helping people with every symptom imaginable. She is the co-host of the popular Plant Trainers Podcast, Founder of, author, international speaker and a creator of the Vegan Podcast Academy. She works one-on-one with busy individuals to alleviate the stress in life caused by diet, lifestyle, cellular breakdown and chronic illness. She is also known for coaching others to build their own businesses to create financial and time freedom.
What’s new? The Vegan Podcast Academy is helping people of all walks of life who are looking to make this world a better place. We created a tried and true method for getting their podcast up and running in just 30 days. You’re time is important and we help maximize your time by giving you al the tools you need to get your podcast going and start growing your business with more clients and ad revenue. Your message deserves to be heard.
I am happy to offer your listeners a 20 minute complementary call to see how we can help them improve their health, or maintain optimal health while looking and feeling younger. 💚
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(always recorded, come back later to listen in if you can’t make it live)
Tune in to hear and learn more about GRATITUDE with us as we share with you!
Look forward to seeing you!
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Laurie Lantrip Delk and Kathryn RaRa Asaro Mayers
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