Hangout starts at 930pm EST, 830pm CST, 730pm MST, 630pm PST
4th Tuesday of every month
Gratitude Hangout with Rebecca Austin
One never knows how you will react when you hear that dreaded word “cancer” associated with your diagnosis. I’ll be sharing my experience with God’s Grace and how important it was for me to hang on to those things I was most grateful for during the diagnosis, surgery, radiation, and treatments of my husband’s cancer battle in 2015 and how we made it through cancer-free as of our last MRI in January 2016. Health is something we should never take for granted and we DO have choices.
Rebecca Austin, also known as Coach Green, is the founder of,,, and Her passion is touching lives in a positive way through example, education, and encouragement. Possessing a deep appreciation for learning, Rebecca started her first business at age 16, has traveled extensively in the United States and Europe, speaks three languages, and achieved her Masters in Business Degree while working full time and building her dream home. She volunteers at her church, substitute teaches at her local middle school, and interns with Kingdom Builders Academy. She is an avid international currency trader on the Forex Markets and manages three current businesses. She also loves animals and enjoys riding her Missouri Fox Trotter horses, making cheese and soap from the milk from her goats, going on adventures with her 9 year old daughter, gardening, and cooking.
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(always recorded, come back later to listen in if you can’t make it live)
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