Tue Oct 22, 2019
930pm EST, 830pm CST, 730pm MST, 630pm PST
Special guest: Cathleen Fillmore
Cathleen Fillmore, formerly a journalist and author, is founder and past-President of the Canadian Association for Professional Speakers Atlantic. Currently, she owns and runs Speakers Gold Bureau and is also a well-known marketing consultant to professional speakers who want to make more money while making a difference by doing what they love.
She has put on her own Talent Showcases for Speakers as well as holding seminars and speaking at conferences about the speaking market.
She has written several books; most recently Totally Booked! Available on Amazon. 416-532-9886
Offer a free article on how professional speakers get paid to anyone who emails me.
FB Cathleen Fillmore (or) Speakers Gold, LI Cathleen Fillmore Instagram Speakers_gold
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